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Reasons why you should book direct:
Best Rate Guarantee
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Our Policy regarding COVID-19
Astir Notos Hotel adapts its operation taking into consideration the new safety measures and health protocols and cooperates with a specialist doctor for immediate treatment in case of an accident. In case any guest doesn’t feel good and has covid-19 symptoms our hotel has an cooperation with a medical lab and we can make a rapid test ASAP.
The cost of the test is undertaken by the guest. It is planned to check in & check out intact and electronically, welcome guest in open space, the observance of the safety distances and the use of protective equipment by the employees. The origin of the staff is gradually done with normal clothes and they change within the company, and the whole staff is thermometered before the start of the shift. The hotel is powered by all means of personal protection.

Decorative elements have been removed, room cleaning and changing of linen every 2 days are provided, calculating the next day of arrival. At each departure the room is sterilized with ozone that is environmentally friendly. Information leaflets are plasticized to sterilize.

Salt, pepper, sugar and straws are offered in individual packages.

Breakfast 7:45 - 10:45

In addition, disinfection of the hands is mandatory upon entry. All menus are in digital form on our website connected with a QR-code, which you will find all troughout the hotel. The tables are setup with a one-time soupla for each guest and with each customer change the table and chairs are disinfected.


per day

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Phone:+30 25930 58450

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Double Room - Breakfast included

Triple Room - Breakfast included

Quadruple Room - Breakfast included

Notos Deluxe Suite max 3 persons - Breakfast included

Notos Deluxe Suite max 4 persons - Breakfast included

Astir Notos Suite max 5 persons - Breakfast included

Persons 2
Official Website € 200

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